Albrecht, Peter
2018-08-07 07:20:25 UTC
We have whitelisted certain signatures for files which are only detected by
ClamAV to be potentially malicious. And now we face the problem that the
same files are reported again, but with a different signature. I already had
this behaviour when I tested with the EICAR test virus.
The signatures in question are now:
Html.Malware.Agent-6625344-0 (whitelisted already)
Html.Malware.Agent-6625164-0 (new signature for the same files)
After whitelisting the latter one, ClamAV comes again with a new signature:
It looks like there are multiple signatures defined for the same file. What
would you need from me to investigate further?
We are using ClamAV 0.99.4 on Linux. The virus signatures are updated
directly before running clamscan.
Peter Albrecht
Senior Linux Administrator
Wirecard Service Technologies GmbH
Einsteinring 35 | 85609 Aschheim | Germany
Tel: +49 (0) 89 4424-191076
Amtsgericht München HRB Nummer 238 150
Geschäftsführer: Thomas Neef, Susanne Steidl, Yiannakis Ioannou
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We have whitelisted certain signatures for files which are only detected by
ClamAV to be potentially malicious. And now we face the problem that the
same files are reported again, but with a different signature. I already had
this behaviour when I tested with the EICAR test virus.
The signatures in question are now:
Html.Malware.Agent-6625344-0 (whitelisted already)
Html.Malware.Agent-6625164-0 (new signature for the same files)
After whitelisting the latter one, ClamAV comes again with a new signature:
It looks like there are multiple signatures defined for the same file. What
would you need from me to investigate further?
We are using ClamAV 0.99.4 on Linux. The virus signatures are updated
directly before running clamscan.
Peter Albrecht
Senior Linux Administrator
Wirecard Service Technologies GmbH
Einsteinring 35 | 85609 Aschheim | Germany
Tel: +49 (0) 89 4424-191076
Amtsgericht München HRB Nummer 238 150
Geschäftsführer: Thomas Neef, Susanne Steidl, Yiannakis Ioannou
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not an authorised recipient please return the email to us and then delete it from your computer and mail-server. You may neither
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