[clamav-users] could it help...
Jean-Francois Tasse
2018-09-28 23:22:08 UTC
Hello everyone, I am new to the users list. I have search in some of the past archives about this subject and I cannot seem to find anything similar.

Long story short, I am testing clamav on linux against viruses that is from http://virusshare.com/ more precisely the ones aimed at Linux.

Out of 100 infected files, clamav only see 70 of it.

My question is, can I use the 30 that is not detected, have them pass through VirusTotal and gradually upload them to the www.clamav.net/reports/malware<http://www.clamav.net/reports/malware> page.

So would it help to make clamav better or is it going to be just very annoying and get myself banned....

I sure would like to have clamav detect at least 90% of the lot. It would be a long process but my health is not good and I am stuck home with nothing to do. Doing that would at least make me feel useful a little.

my email: ***@hotmail.com


P.S. sorry english is not my first language
Al Varnell
2018-09-28 23:39:58 UTC
I suspect that somebody from the ClamAV signature team will jump on here when they get a chance to make arrangements for you to submit all 30 samples directly, without your having to go to all that trouble, so hang on for a bit. Probably doesn’t help that it's at the start of the weekend.

Sent from my iPad


> On Sep 28, 2018, at 16:22, Jean-Francois Tasse <***@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hello everyone, I am new to the users list. I have search in some of the past archives about this subject and I cannot seem to find anything similar.
> Long story short, I am testing clamav on linux against viruses that is from http://virusshare.com/ more precisely the ones aimed at Linux.
> Out of 100 infected files, clamav only see 70 of it.
> My question is, can I use the 30 that is not detected, have them pass through VirusTotal and gradually upload them to the www.clamav.net/reports/malware page.
> So would it help to make clamav better or is it going to be just very annoying and get myself banned....
> I sure would like to have clamav detect at least 90% of the lot. It would be a long process but my health is not good and I am stuck home with nothing to do. Doing that would at least make me feel useful a little.
> my email: ***@hotmail.com
> JF
> P.S. sorry english is not my first language
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> Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide:
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Jean-Francois Tasse
2018-09-29 00:53:58 UTC
Thanks a lot 😊


De : clamav-users <clamav-users-***@lists.clamav.net> de la part de Al Varnell <***@mac.com>
Envoyé : 28 septembre 2018 19:39:58
À : ClamAV users ML
Objet : Re: [clamav-users] could it help...

I suspect that somebody from the ClamAV signature team will jump on here when they get a chance to make arrangements for you to submit all 30 samples directly, without your having to go to all that trouble, so hang on for a bit. Probably doesn’t help that it's at the start of the weekend.

Sent from my iPad


On Sep 28, 2018, at 16:22, Jean-Francois Tasse <***@hotmail.com<mailto:***@hotmail.com>> wrote:

Hello everyone, I am new to the users list. I have search in some of the past archives about this subject and I cannot seem to find anything similar.

Long story short, I am testing clamav on linux against viruses that is from http://virusshare.com/ more precisely the ones aimed at Linux.

Out of 100 infected files, clamav only see 70 of it.

My question is, can I use the 30 that is not detected, have them pass through VirusTotal and gradually upload them to the www.clamav.net/reports/malware<http://www.clamav.net/reports/malware> page.

So would it help to make clamav better or is it going to be just very annoying and get myself banned....

I sure would like to have clamav detect at least 90% of the lot. It would be a long process but my health is not good and I am stuck home with nothing to do. Doing that would at least make me feel useful a little.

my email: ***@hotmail.com<mailto:***@hotmail.com>


P.S. sorry english is not my first language

clamav-users mailing list

Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide:

Arnaud Jacques
2018-09-29 06:43:54 UTC
Hello Jean-François,

> My question is, can I use the 30 that is not detected, have them pass
> through VirusTotal and gradually upload them to the
> www.clamav.net/reports/malware <http://www.clamav.net/reports/malware>
> page.

You can use clamsubmit to submit a file. To submit 30 files to ClamAV
you can create a bash script.
It is faster than using the webform on clamav website.
Syntax is :
clamsubmit -e your_email -N your_name -n the_file_to_submit

> So would it help to make clamav better or is it going to be just very
> annoying and get myself banned....

As far as I know, it is OK to submit a lot of files to ClamAV team. I do
it sometimes too.

> I sure would like to have clamav detect at least 90% of the lot.  It
> would be a long process but my health is not good and I am stuck home
> with nothing to do.  Doing that would at least make me feel useful a
> little.

Yes, it will take time to ClamAV team to create signatures based on
submitted samples.
If you want immediate better detection you can use 3rd party signatures
for example :



Maybe the best point is to submit samples to ClamAV that are not
detected by anyone ?
Btw, be sure to submit *malwares* to ClamAV. Malware collections like
VirusShare contains a lot of false positives...

Cordialement / Best regards,

Arnaud Jacques
Gérant de SecuriteInfo.com

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