[clamav-users] Create custom cvd file
Arul Raj
2018-07-24 14:00:11 UTC
Hi Team,

How can I create a new .cvd / .cld file with some external signature
database(clamav supported files like .hdb, .mdb).

Arulraj I
Eric Tykwinski
2018-07-24 14:05:24 UTC
They have a document on the Github site: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vrtadmin/clamav-devel/master/docs/signatures.pdf


Eric Tykwinski

TrueNet, Inc.

P: 610-429-8300

From: clamav-users [mailto:clamav-users-***@lists.clamav.net] On Behalf Of Arul Raj
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2018 10:00 AM
To: ClamAV users ML
Subject: [clamav-users] Create custom cvd file

Hi Team,

How can I create a new .cvd / .cld file with some external signature database(clamav supported files like .hdb, .mdb).


Arulraj I
Alain Zidouemba
2018-07-24 14:12:07 UTC
No need to create a CVD. Just put the files you want to use (.hdb, .mdb,
.ldb, etc...) in a directory and point clamscan or clamd to that directory.
You can also put your custom signature files in the same directory has
main.cvd and daily.cvd and ClamAV will pick those up.

- Alain
Post by Arul Raj
Hi Team,
How can I create a new .cvd / .cld file with some external signature
database(clamav supported files like .hdb, .mdb).
Arulraj I
clamav-users mailing list
Arul Raj
2018-07-25 05:04:29 UTC
yes, currently we put those external database files directly into the
database directory itself and its working too, that's not a problem. I want
to know is there any option to generate .cvd files, because cvd files are
compressed and space optimized.

Post by Alain Zidouemba
No need to create a CVD. Just put the files you want to use (.hdb, .mdb,
.ldb, etc...) in a directory and point clamscan or clamd to that directory.
You can also put your custom signature files in the same directory has
main.cvd and daily.cvd and ClamAV will pick those up.
- Alain
Post by Arul Raj
Hi Team,
How can I create a new .cvd / .cld file with some external signature
database(clamav supported files like .hdb, .mdb).
Arulraj I
clamav-users mailing list
clamav-users mailing list
Arulraj I
Al Varnell
2018-07-25 05:36:55 UTC
I suspect it's way more trouble than it's worth. You'll need a signing server so that it can be recognized as legitimate and it will slow things down to have to decompress it every time it needs to be loaded into memory.

yes, currently we put those external database files directly into the database directory itself and its working too, that's not a problem. I want to know is there any option to generate .cvd files, because cvd files are compressed and space optimized.
No need to create a CVD. Just put the files you want to use (.hdb, .mdb, .ldb, etc...) in a directory and point clamscan or clamd to that directory. You can also put your custom signature files in the same directory has main.cvd and daily.cvd and ClamAV will pick those up.
- Alain
Hi Team,
How can I create a new .cvd / .cld file with some external signature database(clamav supported files like .hdb, .mdb).
Arulraj I
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Al Varnell
Mountain View, CA